Saturday Chuck, Lillian I met Dan D., Dan H., Dans friend, Debbie, Nancy and her friend and Dan B. at the tow path for one last long run before the 24. We did the same run as last weekend parking at the Station Road parking lot and running 7 miles to lock 29 and back for a nice 14 mile run in just over 2 hours. It was a nice run with lots of good company but it was not my best feeling run, meaning I didn't feel all that great because I have been eating so much junk during the holiday season. Arriving back in Medina Chuck and I sat down and came up with some ideas on pace and walk breaks to hit 120 to 130 miles. We'll see. I finally got home around noon and Marsha, Janet and Jeannine are getting ready for a 4 mile run so I was dressed and ready so I did 4 more with them.
Sunday morning Marsha had a 16 mile run planned but that was to far for but I had an old classmate from high school coming to run with us. Dan Daubner and I got in contact a couple weeks ago thanks to Facebook when he saw Marsha and I walk out of Ruby Tuesdays and he sent me a friend request the next day. We got to talking about running so this would be our first run and his longest run ever being 6 was his longest and I told him we could do the 8 lime loop. We went out with Charles, Janet, Jeannine, and Marsha but parted ways with them at Buckeye Woods. Dan had told me that he was only a treadmill runner til a week ago until his treadmill broke and that he ran 12 minute miles but after seeing him at Second Sole a week ago I knew he had to be faster than that and he was. We ran the longest run he had ever run non stop hitting 8 miles at a 9:09 pace, great when he thought he was a 12 minute mile runner. I went back out and ran 2 more miles with JN MC CE and JS and walked JS home for a cool down getting in 10 miles for my last run b4 the 24. Later that day I talk on FB with Dan and tell him he could easily be ready for a half marathon by the time we run Last Chance for Boston and he signed up with in minutes. We will have a nice crowd there and it continues to grow as tonight I ran into Tom Wolke at Sully's and gave him a race application and he says he will probably run the half.
We leave Medina less than 36 hours to head to North Carolina, I sure hope the weather cooperates.
This one was better
1 day ago