Sunday, July 26, 2009

Long Runs Getting Longer

This weekend was our 17 mile long run in preparation for upcoming marathons. Dan, Charles Chuck and I left Medina at 7 am and went to Lock 29 and found Frank in the parking lot with 9 miles in already. We all take off and Frank leaves us at about 5 and sends us off into the rain which he avoided for the day. Our 17 went smooth with Dan and I kicking out a couple low 7 minute miles in the last 2 miles. Later that day we went the Elkins BBQ and spent 7 hours there eating talking and playing corn hole. Then after 5 1/2 hours of sleep we got up and arrived at Second Sole at 6 am for the 2nd annual Double Trouble 10k. Marsha and I directed people at the 1.5 mile turn around and got to see most people twice as it was a double loop for the 10k runners and a single loop for the 5k relay.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Where to start

I have not wrote in here in almost a month, so here's a quick review of the last 4 weeks. The Twin Sizzler was on the 4th of July here in Medina. This race was my pr from a year ago with a 19:12 and again a pr in 2009 with a PR of 19: 08, must be the home town race for me to shine in. Then 45 minutes later I again ran the 10k pacing Debbie Scheel for most of the 1st 5 then taking off in the lat mile for a 45:30 something. The following weekend 07/11/09 Marsha and I ran our first 10 mile trail run called Muddy Paws, a tough 5 mile loop course that we ran the Thursday before the race. I placed 25th overall of 144 runners but didn't place in my age group. 1 hour 26 minutes for a 8:45 pace on trails, felt a lot faster but there were places you had to walk.
Now we are gearing up the marathon training and have done a few longer runs, I did 14 with the ladies last Saturday during which I sprinted downhill heading to the Port-a-john and messed something up in my right lower leg. The next morning I ran 15 miles with Chuck and the last 3 miles started to cause a little pain in the leg again. A rest day on Monday and then a visit to Doc. Joe on Tuesday to get it looked at, not a shin splint was good news, he worked it out a bit and said if I wasn't a 100% on Thursday to give him a call. I did speed work right after my appointment with the ladies instead of regular guys and it felt ok. I rested the leg on Wednesday then Chuck and I ran a pretty hard hilly 7.5 miles tonight and it seems to be almost gone as I am icing it right now so hopefully it won't bother me for our 17 mile run this Saturday morning on the tow path.
This Sunday is the MCRR race Double Trouble that we will be volunteering at and then we will be taking almost 5 weeks off of racing with our next race scheduled for August 16, The Perfect 10 Miler.