Monday, June 1, 2009

Where'd the Weekend Go

I got off work Friday and it's Monday already. Marsha had a doctors appointment Friday and got the ok to race so she decides she really wants to go to Brewster, Ohio and run the Shearer's Chip Chase that we ran last year. I was kind of against going for a couple reasons, one being we were not pre-registered which means it cost us an extra $10 to sign up at the race and it's almost an hour drive. We pack up and go and get there about 6:15 and it's sunny and hot, about 72 degrees. The race starts at 7 but hardly cools down by then. Lots of friends were at this race so it was nice to see everyone. Bill, Marsha, Don and I go out for a warm up run and are getting ready for the race and I felt overheated before the race and didn't feel like a good time was gonna happen but that race adrenaline always seems to kick in and help. I ran most of the race with a guy in my age group and as we got towards the final 1/2 mile I see another guy in our age group and as we near the finish line I give my best kick to edge him out at the line by less than a single second. My time was 20:38 which I'm pretty happy with except for the little extra bit I had to run in this race, the lead bike took us off course and added 2/10ths of mile to the course and it ended up being 3.28 miles long, finished 25th overall out of 338 but 5th in my age group. Marsha had her worst time in awhile, just over 25 minutes but managed to place 3rd in her age group. We got home after 10 pm and went to bed so we could get up and go to the Livestrong 5k at AI Root that Kyle and I were running and Marsha was volunteering at. Kyle was looking to break 22 minutes for the first time so I told him I would run with him the first 2 miles and keep him on pace and then I'd take off. We hit mile one where Marsha was standing at 6:45 and Kyle says we're going to fast so we lay back a little and go down a hill for a slight rest and hit mile 2 at exactly 14 minutes but Kyle is telling me his legs and chest hurt so I decide to stay with him til the end. We hit a second water stop after the second mile and I tell him to keep going and I grab 2 waters and ask him "do you want to drink it or wear it" and he says wear it, I throw one glass down his back and one in his chest and I'd swear I threw gas in his tank as he seemed to pick up the pace just then. He was hurting but we were getting close, as we neared the school he says he can't breathe but I'm telling him we will be done in less than 3 or 4 minutes. We hit the track and I sprint away to the finish and he stays right on my tail as we cross the line in 21:40 and 21:42, over a minute off his best time ever. We finished 13th and 14th overall of 130 runners.
A couple hours later I was teeing off at Blue Heron for a very long 5 hour round of golf, shot 97 which was the low in our foursome but not a great score for me but ok since I have only played 4 times this year.
Sunday morning comes around and we have a group run planned starting at 8:30. I got to run 11 miles with 6 ladies at a slower pace than I usually run but it was a nice run and probably good for me after the 2 back to back 5k's and a good pace to try for the 24 hour run. This weekend just seemed to pass me by. Tomorrow I hope to do speedwork and then Thursday hopefully some hills in Hinckley and another 5k next weekend.

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