Tuesday, November 3, 2009

November is Upon Us

Why does winter have to come, I like running in the cold but I still hate winter. My quads were really sore after the last marathon just 9 days ago but how else to get over that but to run and get them stretched. Ran a few times after Niagara and really had some sore muscles but it's getting better quick, ran at 5 am with Jeannine, Roberta and Debbie last week and again today, 6 miles each time at just over an 8:30 pace. Last Saturday Dan D. and I went to Hinckley and ran just over 13 miles, at 6:45 I texted Dan and wanted to see if he was thinking we should cancel as there was a threat of rain all morning and it was raining at the time. Being that Dan has his second trail marathon in 2 weeks coming up he wanted to run rain or shine so off we went. It was a great run and no one else braved the weather with us, I had one new experience as a runner as Dan and I came to some high water and the river crossings, the first one I scaled a tree and crawled a little to get over to the other side as Dan waded through. On our way back maybe 3 miles from the truck we came to that crossing again and this time I followed Dan in and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be except the water was really cold, we both had clean clothes, socks and shoes so we were dry 25 minutes later. We have been very lucky more than once going out when the weather was supposed to be bad and getting a nice break when we have arrived. Sunday I ran 5 more miles with Marsha and Jeannine cutting off as we neared our house, ran the first 5 at about a 9:15 pace and the last one heading home in 7:20 averaging 8:57 for all 6. Overall feeling less sore and Monday night after mowing and raking I thought let's see if I can run a 5k for fun in a decent time, heading out near dark I ran my 3.1 mile loop in 21:55 at a decent pace and felt pretty good so I decided that I will run my last Subway race this weekend down by my buddy Bill's house on Cable Lake in Canton. I ran this morning with Jeannine, Roberta and Debbie and am thinking that I will run again tomorrow with Roberta and Debbie but running to her house and cutting off when we get near here. Also running at 5 am Thursday and Friday as a MCRR run but we'll see if anyone else shows, so far Dan B. and Chuck are the only takers besides JN and I.

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