Wednesday, October 14, 2009

First Run Since the 24

It's been more than 10 days since the NC 24 race ended and I've been healing and healing but not running other than a 1 mile test to see if I could Monday night. I went to see Joe Tuesday night and he said I was 90% healed and I said "think I could run this weekend" thinking he knew I meant the Columbus Marathon and he says yes I could maybe run 7 miles or so. NO I meant run the marathon, I may have to go against the doc.s advice if my 6 mile run goes well tonight. Marsha and Janet are out running right now and I will be meeting Jeannine at 5:30 to run 6 miles. I am hoping to have no problems after this run which will reinforce my decision to run this Sunday. My only left over problem is a very tight maybe achilles tendon running up the back of my foot and I have been stretching it as much and as lightly as I can hoping to get rid of the tightness I can feel, maybe it will be gone after tonight. While I was sitting in Joe's office getting therapy I glanced over and saw a Readers Digest with the title "Bounce Back From Anything" which is what I really want to do after being on crutches last week. I posted the front of that RD to facebook and hope to be back and ready to run Columbus and really hope to have at least a glimmer of hope with one more weeks rest to maybe go for a BQ at Niagara. Maybe that's a tall order to fill but what can I say, gotta at least try, right. If Terry Fox can do it so can I. :)

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