Sunday, January 18, 2009

Oh what a beautiful day . . .

Today was an eleven mile training day. We had 4-5 inches of snow overnight, which made for an interesting run today, the temperature was 24 with a wind chill of around 11! We ran on the city streets, which was fine, had to jump in a few driveways to get out of the way, but we were dressed in bright colors so people would see us too. All but about 1/4 of the roads were snow covered and slick. It was a great run! It is nice to spend the time with my husband, doing something that is good for us! Makes for a great weekend when we get to spend all this time together!

1 comment:

Dan D. said...

I'm kind of glad I I couldn't meet up with you today. I wouldn't want to be the proverbial 3rd wheel. Glad you had a nice run.