Wednesday, March 18, 2009


This is my 5th consecutive day in a row to run, Saturday's 5K with a 2 mile warm up and 1 mile cool down for a total of 6 then Sunday's hilly run with Connie's group (8 miles) then Monday nights 6 fast tempo run miles with Chuck then speedwork tonight that has my calves feeling a bit tight (almost 9 miles). Now I'm thinking I need a couple days off but Marsha needs to run 7 miles at her tempo pace tomorrow and I may have to let her down unless I feel really good tomorrow. I think I need the next 2 days off to rest the calves and the rest of my body so I can start all over again with Super Saturday's 5k and a 19 mile run planned for this Sunday.

1 comment:

Dan D. said...

2 days off is what the doctor ordered. I woke up with a stiff knee that bothers me on the stairs. It's going to be a high mileage weekend. Good run last night!