A quick run down of my last couple runs. Last Thursday we ran the annual Medina prosecutors victims awareness run, my first run since Nashville. I was sick but this race is free and I needed to get a run in with 4 days off so we went out hard for a mile then eased up for 2 and 3 with Frank coming in second with a 19+ minute PR and Dan and I tying for 3rd in 21:38. Then we attended the after run drawing and we won a 1 hour Massage that Marsha will get as Mothers day is this weekend.
Friday night was the Medina Run 4 Fun, wasn't feeling great yet but went out with a small bunch of Medina people and sped out to get in front of the 574 runner crowd. Stayed with Dan for about a mile or so but couldn't keep up so I fell back and ended up running most of the last 2 miles with Connie with her telling me to GO as we neared the track finish so I sprinted ahead to finish at 20:40 by my clock but 20:29 by official results. Connie told me to go at the end cause she thought I could PR but I told her later that it was not happening tonight as I was still sick. Dan PR'd in 19:44 and did great. I finished 29th of 574 with Kyle Finishing in 22:55 (65th) and Marsha finishing in 23:59 (90th).
Then Sunday we met at Panera for a group run, Dan,Chuck and I and 5 ladies. The guys met early to get some extra miles in, Dan 15.5, me 14 on the nose and C.D. around 9 or 10.
Today Dan and I were planning a Hinckley run but at 5:30 it was pouring and I was changing my mind about going but Dan was going anyways so I looked at the radar and it looked like it would clear up so I decided to risk it and go and it turned out to be a beautiful evening. We ran for 1 hour 36 minutes and guessed it to be around 11 miles. What a good workout that place is.
Now a easy long run of 8 -10 miles this weekend and then a taper week of maybe 2 or 3 slow runs and off to Cleveland to attempt a BQ. 3:30 was our original goal but now were looking at going out at a 1:37 1st half and hoping to keep it up for the whole thing so Dan and I can both qualify for Boston. Even if this doesn't happen I think we'll both be happy as long as we break that original goal which would be a new PR for both of us.
This one was better
1 day ago
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