Well here we are, the last day of 2008. We thought it would be a good way to end the year with a group run and what do we get, about 4 inches of snow that didn't start falling til after midnight. Marsha and I still planned on going but Lisa and Joe's sitter freaked out about the snow so we decided to skip it.
We took the Christmas tree down this morning and dragged it out to the backyard and Marsha got the house back in order (the scrooge that I am, I always love when Christmas is over) while I shoveled 2 driveways, the deck and a big pile for the tree to sit up in for now. When I get back into the house Marsha wants to go for a run, normally I never say no { =) } but I was a little sore and tired from all that lifting so we decided we'd start the new year off tomorrow with a run.
I last worked on Dec. 19th and on that day I needed to run about 60 miles before the end of the year to hit my last minute goal for the year of 1200 miles for the 12 months of 2008. After my half marathon run to Marsha's work on Monday I had 129 for the month and 1213 for the year. Not to bad for my first complete year or running. I averaged 101 miles per month and about 23.5 miles per week. Had we done our run today Dec. would have been my highest mileage month of the year but July was it at 134 miles.
1st quarter=258 miles 2nd quarter=300 3rd quarter=322 4th quarter=333
We're gonna do our normal New Years Eve with our bowling friends at the Simmon's house.
GOODBYE 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This one was better
1 day ago