Monday, February 14, 2011

Medina Rec Center Frosty 5k

My second race of the year was a little race our rec center puts on. It's not one of my favorites and it's little longer than a 5k and I'm not sure why I've run it 3 times now, but I did. I got there a little early and got a warm up with Bob P., Connie and Bob Jones. The race was minutes from starting and Connie says I should be able to win this thing as we were looking around and not seeing too many fast runners in the crowd of maybe 100. She's nice like that but Bob P. usually gets me other than last Labor Day when I got him. I stayed with Bob for about a mile but when we hit mile 1 and I was at 6:06 I knew that was too fast for me especially this early in the year with very little fast running done lately. Bob pulled away but I kept him in range thinking maybe he would walk or slow down a little since he said he was sick but he kept going and a fella I met on New Years eve ended up passing me about mile 2 and I came in third overall with Bob winning, Bob was around 20:20 and I was about 20:57 and Connie about 22:30. Dan Daubner ran this with his daughter Abbey for her first 5k ever and I ran back out and ran in with them while Dan and I tried to keep her moving and running while she was hurting. I kept telling her the old man behind her was closing in on her and that he was older than Dan and I together when she says to us, "my dads bad but you're even worse" I took it as a compliment. She came in at 42 minutes and will probably beat that in no time. It was near 38 degrees at race time and a very nice morning for a run, way better than the morning before when I ran 14 miles in Strongsville with Dan H, Dan De, Debbie S. and F., Wendy and Brad in inches of snow covering inches of ice causing us to run a 10:14 pace.

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