My leg injury kept me off for a couple extra days this week, ran 6 miles on the Reagan trails Monday night with Jeannine, Charles and Marsha. Tuesday was my first night of bowling so no running and I went to see Doc Joe about the leg issue right after work. He said it would be ok to run on so Thursday I ran the Reagan trails again with Chris and Dan, hit 11 with the last 2 starting to hurt just a little. I took Friday off because of the high mileage planned for the weekend. We started the weekend by going to Kyles First Cross Country meet of the season in Wadsworth, where he did great!!! 21:59. Later that day Marsha and I ran our annual anniversary run at the Valley City Street fair. It was in the mid to high 70's, much cooler than the last 3 years but still pretty hot & humid, I ran a 20:32 coming in 8th overall of nearly 100 runners and Marsha ran 24:17 with both of us winning first in our age groups. Sunday morning we had a long run scheduled to start at 6 am at McDonalds on Rt. 3. It was 52 degrees at starting time and I had a long sleeve shirt on and my running gloves, peeled the long sleeve and dropped it just over one mile into the run but
didn't drop the gloves til around mile 12 as we passed the house again. It was a great run with unusually cool temps for August, now if we can just get that lucky one month from now for the Akron Marathon. Our group of 8 was Ladd, Marsha, Dan, Frank, Charles, Jeannine, Janet and Debbie. Jeaninne started at 5:30 and got 19 in, Marsha, Charles and Janet had 18 and Dan, Debbie and I hit 20 just before we arrived back at McDonalds. I finished strong but the leg was hurting worse than before so I will take the next 3 days off and am going back to see Joe on Tuesday again and hoping this thing can get healed and gone soon as we have the Blue Line training run next weekend with 11 more after, that will be our longest run ever and a training run 50K.

The record was set by me with a total of 209 miles for the month.