The big race of the year or 2nd big race of the year is just 9 days away and my training plan hasn't been what I thought it would be. Three plus weeks ago I pulled something in my lower back and it has been bothering me ever since although later that week I ran the Perfect Ten Miler in 1:10:15 or so and had some bad pain after, then 1 week later ran the Heart n Sole 1/2 marathon easier than I wanted in 1:39 but finished feeling better than the week before, then 1 week later ran the Moebius Green Monster 50k at a easier pace and felt pretty good after that. My weekly mileage isn't as high as it was last year but I still feel good about the 24 coming up with the last 2 weeks done. The day after the 50k I joined Jeannine and Phil for a 24 mile run on tired legs and ran the MStar 5k from miles 15-17.1 with a 21:54 which felt pretty good but the 7 miles after the race were tough. Then over the Labor day weekend I ran 20 on Saturday around Medina with Dan Daubner, Marsha and Jeannine and 20 on Sunday in Hinckley with Jeannine, Jack, Jack and Frank and on Labor Day ran 11.5 miles in the morning with Jeannine and 9 more miles that evening with Marsha, JN, Frank and Bob for a 3 day total of over 58 miles.
Now I only need a little magic along with a little luck and a nice taper to get me to at least a new pr, 120 is the goal, 130 would be magic.
This one was better
1 day ago